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The premix and minerals

The premix and minerals industry places special demands on the accurate dosing and weighing of a range of ingredients. Thorough knowledge and insight into processes is therefore essential for any premix factory or animal nutrition manufacturing companies. 


Compound feed

With a growing diversity of additives, more ingredients and new quality standards, the compound feed industry is constantly changing. That is why we supply premium products in the form of modular machinery for custom-made solutions for the compound feed industry. 



Manufacturing premium pet food requires equipment that meets and exceeds the growing demands of the global pet food industry. Increasing complexity forms the biggest challenge for pet food manufacturers; more recipes, a growing number of ingredients, additions that are difficult to dose and higher quality standards driven by customer demands.


Aqua feed

The aqua feed industry has very high requirements. The feed must maintain its shape and texture in water and be durable for transport and storage. High accuracy is mandatory because of the use of expensive components but also because even a small deviation has a big impact on the finished product.

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